Do you have a product idea that you are confident will help people? Before you do too much work on it, listen to Nathalie's advice on building a product from scratch and her approach to the challenges of physical product design versus digital product design. Read the article below for her advice on these topics, and listen to the full episode for more of Nathalie's insightful advice.
Mission-Driven Product Design
In episode 52 of The Product Design Podcast, Seth Coelen interviews Nathalie Stratton, Co-founder and Head of Product Design and Engineering at Hearth. Hearth is a digital touchscreen for family management and productivity, made to lighten the load of organization for busy families.
During our chat, Nathalie discusses her early transition from architecture to product design. Nathalie shares how she was inspired to create Hearth, the challenges she faced during the product design and launch process, and what she feels is the most valuable skill set for anyone looking to launch their product into the world. This episode is filled with great advice and learnings on bringing a product to market!

This article will focus on Nathalie’s advice on what to consider when getting started and the challenges you may face when building your product.
Things to Consider When You Start Building a Product From Scratch
You have decided to build your product idea. Now what? Nathalie has learned so much along her journey to launching Hearth.
From how to set yourself up for success from the start and continuing to challenge yourself to figuring out how to convince people that your product can help them with their problems. Here are a few tips she shared with us about the advice she would give anyone who has decided to launch their product!
“If you want to build a product from scratch, surround yourself with people who believe in you and have complementary skills. Then really dig into the research and find data points for the problem that you're solving. To be like, this really is a problem that exists in the market and is a design challenge that needs a solution.”
How to Approach the Challenges of Building a Physical Product
Hearth offers a physical display screen with specific software to help families organize and work together. Nathalie dives deep into the difference between launching a physical product with a digital element versus software alone. Here are a few things to think about if your product has a physical component associated with it!

“Doing something that has never been done before is always gonna be a huge challenge. So it has both its lows and highs. When you get to create something beautiful that people are using and people love, that's the high. But when it takes longer or you don't feel like you have the resources to do it, that’s the low.”
Thank you so much, Nathalie!
Thank you, Nathalie, for joining us on the show and walking us through launching a mission-driven physical product with a digital component. It was fascinating to hear how Nathalie came up with the idea for Hearth and how she brought it to life with her co-founders, even through the challenges. Nathalie's advice on starting a product from scratch and things to keep in mind when adding a physical component to your product is extremely insightful. It will help our listeners who have aspirations of following in her footsteps!
Listen to the complete episode on The Product Design Podcast, which includes Nathalies take on the red flags to watch out for when interviewing for a job and the skillset she thinks is the most important to finding success in product design. Don’t forget to follow Nathalie on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and the Hearth website for more information on the Hearth Display. If you listened to the whole episode or read this far into the blog 😉, you can also grab this link to jump the line for your Hearth Display!
Where to find Nathalie
- Twitter: nathaliemanz
- LinkedIn: Nathalie Stratton
- Instagram: @stratton.nat
- Website: Hearth
Other mentioned links:
- Jump the line for your Hearth Display: https://hearthdisplay.com/uxcabin
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