Are you interested in learning what it takes to get recruited by top companies? Adam shares his unique approach to recruiting product design talent. He also provides strategies for applying to different types of companies and explains why now may be a great time to enter the industry. By taking his advice and putting forth a targeted effort toward your goal, you will have the opportunity to change your career trajectory.
UX Recruitment Strategies: Top Tips for Designers
In episode 55 of The Product Design Podcast, Seth Coelen interviews Adam Perlis, CEO and Founder of Academy, which offers UX recruitment and staffing. He has had a fascinating design journey that led him to where he is today.
During our talk, Adam shares the career lows that launched him into his career highs, his unique approach to UX recruitment, and what he looks for in product design talent. Adam also gives excellent strategies for applying to different companies, regardless of how long you have been in the industry.

This article will focus on Adam's take on what he looks for in product design talent and his strategies for landing the job you want!
Skills and Traits Adam Looks for During UX Recruitment
Have you worked with a UX recruitment agency before? Did you get direction on making the best impression with the desirable skills and traits a hiring manager seeks? Adam gave his take on the most valuable skills and traits he looks for when looking for design talent.
“Storytelling is an underdeveloped skill for a lot of talent who don't realize that they need to be able to tell a great story.”
Strategies to Land The Job You Want
You want to land the job of your dreams but need an edge to stand out from the sea of other qualified applicants. During our chat, Adam shared with us the strategy he suggests to the UX Designers that work with his UX recruitment agency, Academy. Putting in this extra targeted effort will demonstrate your abilities and give you a great chance at securing the job you want.

"You gotta make time. I'm not a big proponent of hustle culture, but I do think that putting in the extra effort on very strategic, targeted things can yield high results."
Thank you so much, Adam!
Thank you, Adam, for sharing your insights and top strategies from a UX recruitment perspective. The traits and skills you described are definitely something every UX designer should focus on, and the key strategy for landing the job you want was perfect. We are sure that anyone that follows this advice will find their way to launching their product design career to a new level!
Listen to the complete episode on The Product Design Podcast, which includes Adam’s exciting journey into design and UX, and his take on if it is a good time to get into the industry. Don't forget to follow Adam on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and check out his advisory work website! You can also check out the Academy blog, website, YouTube, and Spotify to gain even more insights from Adam.
Where to find Adam Perlis
- Twitter: @AdamPerlis
- LinkedIn: Adam Perlis
- Instagram: adam_perlis
- Advisory Website: adamperlis.com
- Academy Website: academyux.com
- Academy Blog: https://blog.academyux.com
- Academy YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@academyux
- Academy Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/0cAfSJ8X4bUtFHSRQ6okZE?si=o1BDnh7lRE6cHNMPzZ2Bnw
Other mentioned links:
- Building a Brand Story by Donald Miller
- Gabe Cagara: https://gabecagara.com
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